Bryce Nesbitt <> writes:

> Switching focus to iD: there would be list of "post edit notification"
> plugins one could drag into place.
> Facebook, Twitter and G+ would be among those, along with whatever open
> source version you happen to track down or create.
> Anyone not wanting to be reminded of Mark Zuckerberg's smiling face could
> simply fail to install that plugin.

I think this is a great solution to the tension between OSM not
endorsing proprietary data sites and enabling people to do what they
want to do.  The key point is that it's opt-in for people that want to
use those sites.  By that I mean opt-in to have the buttons provided -
just saying "you can not click the button" isn't enough, as we'd
effectively be advertising those sites.

"share by email" certainly belongs on the list of ways to share.   It's
been around longer, and doesn't have intrinsic data licensing problems.

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