Ed Loach wrote:

The about page is VERY short on help to get to other material (
but I
do not
object to advertising sponsors on that page ), and I probably need
try the
site as a cold user to se if registering a new account is any more
helpful, but
trying to establish what is needed to help WITHOUT registering is
good. It's not the interface itself that is the problem, but
simply what
material is displayed in those first couple of clicks! Perhaps all
I am
for is a simple link to 'other services' in that welcome box which
you to a
wiki for accessing routers and other useful tools?

Perhaps click "Help" rather than "About" - that has the simple links
to help and the wiki.

Click on 'Help' you THEN have to decide what will be more helpful. The 'help list' is not the best choise but it IS presented first. Metion was made of 'Getting started', and to be honest THAT is something that is currently missing? After that, the wiki should be listed next. But finding the HELP button when the 'Learn More' button is presented in the welcome box? I find nothing in the About box that helps me to 'Learn More' ... Naming the button 'About OSM' would at least hint that something else may be more appropriate if you ACTUALLY want to learn more about contributing or using OSM? Having selected 'Learn More' one is in something of a dead end? It's not clear then WHERE you go?

I am in two minds about routing on the main OSM website. Yes, it can
be done, and it can be useful for a mapper to check connectivity of
what has been mapped, and whether turn restrictions work, etc, but
then you need to consider supporting for every transport mode (or
just pick "car" to start with and wait for all the complaints from
cyclists, pedestrians and lorry drivers moaning that the new routing
feature is useless for them...) But there are other sites already
which use OSM for routing and it might be better to use whichever of
those best suits your preferred use case.

This is perhaps another case where a separate site IS needed for those of us actually using OSM as a generic replacement for Google? On some of my newer 'contact' pages I have added a 'Get Directions' button in addition to the 'View Larger Map' ... and that is where the previous style change still causes some confusion! The Embeded map still has the old navigation style on the left as does the router I'm going to, but the OSM map changed to the right. I would use the Router as the large map, but I actually want to PROMOTE OSM which all this is currently about. None of the current router options are as reliable as the other on-line options, (and that is a separate problem ...) also you need to select one more suited to your country, which comes back to my appeal for a more 'locally focused' support path. Basically there is nothing I would recomend as a global routing option anyway? So no obvious candidate for a world wide link?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

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