On  03.12.2013 23:10, Frederik Ramm wrote:

For two of your examples¹ I have to confess that I sometimes also map
only the name or the name and the address plus a describing note if it
is too difficult to find a matching tag for a shop, craft or similar.
So I wouldn't consider these POI as SPAM just because they came in a
wave of bitcoin-tagging


> A few examples:
>     <node id="2520077777" version="1" timestamp="2013-11-04T17:56:44Z"
> uid="1795331" user="The Tobacco Seed Company" changeset="18716456"
> lat="51.5442768" lon="0.7236584">
>       <tag k="name" v="The Tobacco Seed Company"/>
>       <tag k="payment:bitcoin" v="yes"/>
>       <tag k="website" v="http://www.tobaccoseed.co.uk"/>
>     </node>
> This is blatant advertising for a web site. It doesn't even say what
> kind of shop this is supposed to be.
> [...]
>     <node id="2540057545" version="1" timestamp="2013-11-19T18:09:14Z"
> uid="1651798" user="oldenburg69" changeset="18998877" lat="36.2026532"
> lon="-115.0597195">
>       <tag k="addr:city" v="Las Vegas"/>
>       <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="5216"/>
>       <tag k="addr:postcode" v="89156"/>
>       <tag k="addr:street" v="Glendale Ave."/>
>       <tag k="name" v="Hannig Fab Works"/>
>       <tag k="note" v="Hannig Fab Works LLC is a custom metal
> fabrication shop specializing in creating high quality metal fixtures,
> custom fabrication and metal art to customers in the Southern Nevada
> and abroad via the internet."/>
>       <tag k="payment:bitcoin" v="yes"/>
>       <tag k="website" v="http://www.hannigfabworks.com/"/>
>     </node>
> Tagging is ok as far as the address node is concerned, but without a
> shop tag the rest is kind of useless, and the "note" tag is not for
> your marketing tagline.

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