On 1 May 2015 at 16:07, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Andrew,
> On 05/01/2015 12:04 AM, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:
> > I am trying to figure out a way of cleaning up incorrect chain store
> > data in OSM. For example there are 1422 instances of "McDonalds" in
> > OSM (should be McDonald's) and 203 instances of "Tim Horton's" (should
> > be Tim Hortons).
> That's a very "computer person" approach to take. In fact, the
> "McDonald's" issue has already been tried by someone in the past with an
> undiscussed mechanical edit, promptly falsifying a few non-chain
> non-fastfood places that *really* were called McDonalds just as you
> mention.
> I don't think that is something that really advances the quality in OSM,
> and I would encourage you to grab a notepad and venture outside to do
> some mapping. That way you wouldn't be scripting world-wide cleanup
> operations but who knows, you might actually add real value to OSM.
> Leave the mis-spelled "McDonalds" to those who map in the area. Maybe it
> encourages them.
I'd go for the mechanical edit. Actually, I'd go for a central single point
of maintenance for store names - so we change them all with one change.

Doing manual edits, how long does it take OSM to reflect the name change
globally ? It's my guess that this would be less accurate than changing
them all in one move. The change should of course be name --> old_name and
then a new name applied. I'm also in favour of being ahead of the game -
gives a better impression that the map's well up to date.

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