On Fri, 2015-05-29 at 13:58 +0200, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:

> What's wrong with "name" ? What's the UK policy on the content of
> "name" for places with Welsh and English names ? If you want to see
> Welsh names as often as possible but still make the local name more
> prominent, use "local name (welsh name if different)" in your map
> generating script.
By UK I assume you mean the UK (GB) OSM community?

The UK government has no policy, such decisions are made by the Welsh

My interpretation of the rule as to which goes in name is whichever
comes first on the signpost. The general rule is in welsh speaking
areas, welsh will come first, english first in english speaking areas.
Usual way to tell is if Araf or Slow comes first on the road markings.

Not sure which Abergavenny is, but didn't hear much Welsh last time I
was on a late night train through there.

Phil (trigpoint)

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