On 29/05/2015 12:51, Maarten Deen wrote:

It depends on what you want. When someone asks me to navigate to Natanzon, Haifa how can I enter it when the only name in the map is נתנזון, חיפה?
I don't see why the transliterated name is not important.

No-one is saying that the transliterated name is not useful for all sorts of reasons (the thread title "can wikidata links help..." makes it clear that this is about trying to make it easier to get to these names, not harder). The question here is, in a case when a name:xx isn't widely used in the place and doesn't appear on signs*, how can a user of the data know that they've got there or not?

OSM shouldn't be it's own parallel universe - we map what's on the ground.



* I have absolutely no idea what signage is around Haifa - if a name:en for a place does appear on signs and is useful to use to see if you have got there then clearly there needs to be some indicator that says that name:en is useful here, but (say) name:cy is not.

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