> 25 apr. 2017 kl. 21:52 skrev Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:
> sent from a phone
> On 25. Apr 2017, at 19:07, Tobias Zwick <o...@westnordost.de 
> <mailto:o...@westnordost.de>> wrote:
>> I would say so, as long as there are not in reality two cycleways (see
>> above). Wouldn't you?
> it depends on the meaning/reading. I believe cycleway=track is bad anyway, 
> it's ok for preliminary mapping but fails when it comes to […]

On a side note, around where I live I see quite a few cycleways mapped as their 
own ways, tagged highway=cycleway,cycleway=track. Does the cycleway=track mean 
anything in this context (and if so: what?) or is it a mapping error?

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