On Thursday 03 August 2017, Simon Poole wrote:
> Dear all
> The LWG would like to start a period of public review and
> consultation on our draft trademark policy, that we intend to bring
> forward to the OSMF board for adoption as a formal policy, please see
> the text here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Trademark_Policy#OpenStreetMap_Tr

Am i reading this right that to comply with both the ODbL and the 
trademark policy i would have to - when using OSM data - add both

Contains data Copyright OpenStreetMap Contributors


OpenStreetMap is a trademark of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, and is 
used with their permission. This product is not endorsed by or 
affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Also i am not sure if according to this policy i would have to obtain 
permission from the OSMF to use the term 'OpenStreetMap' when 
advertising commercial services and products based on OpenStreetMap 
data.  This could be considered to fall under 3.3 
(nominative/referential use) but 3.3.3 specifically excludes commercial 

Christoph Hormann

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