Am 04.08.2017 um 13:53 schrieb Matthijs Melissen:
> On 3 August 2017 at 23:07, Simon Poole <> wrote:
>> The LWG would like to start a period of public review and consultation on
>> our draft trademark policy, that we intend to bring forward to the OSMF
>> board for adoption as a formal policy, please see the text here:
> The proposed policy would discourage people from using 'OpenStreetMap'
> in their project names. To be honest, I don't think this policy is
> going the right way.

Allowing such use without laying down the rules opens up a gigantic can
of worms, that is what we are trying to avoid with putting this policy
in place, Further we have ample examples of were using our marks in
product names leads to clear confusion in the market and for consumers.

> This policy seems to protect against applications using OpenStreetMap
> in the name without using OpenStreetMap data. I don't think that's a
> serious problem, while the opposite 'problem' occurs quite often:
> projects using OpenStreetMap data without making it clear that they
> are doing so (except in some small attribution).
Note the question of using trademarks has nothing to do with providing
attribution for use of OSM data (with the narrow exception of the actual
attribution text), nor is using a trademark in a product or a service
name a replacement for proper attribution.

> For example, I would much rather have that people would call their app
> '' rather than ''. This policy seems to
> discourage that.
I suspect we are going to have to disagree on that.

BTW in your scenario what would stop the hypothetical
starting to use Here or TomTom data  once they had established
themselves by using our well known name?


> -- Matthijs
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