Am 04.08.2017 um 12:29 schrieb Christoph Hormann:
> Nominative/referential use and including 'OpenStreetMap' in the name of 
> a product are not mutually exclusive.
> Geofabrik for example offers a product called "OpenStreetMap Data in 
> Layered GIS Format" [1] - that is certainly a nominative use but at the 
> same time also "sell(ing) stuff with OSM’s brand on it" as per section 
> 3.4.
> [1]
Yes, but that isn't a conflict. IMHO GeoFabrik simply needs permission
to use the mark that way (and a further licence for "creating and using
extremely unwieldy product names that just cause trouble" :-)).

Moving the current "product name" to the description and using something
else as the name of the product would naturally remove the need for

A personal note: one of my pet peeves are the awful unimaginative,
uncreative and descriptive product and service names used in OSM-space,
while I can just barely live with community projects not doing better,
you are not going to find me making excuses for commercial entities.


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