Thank you. 

On Sat, 2017-10-07 at 10:55 +0200, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> I would be careful interpreting the lack of objections to your
> automated 
> edits in the local community as universal approval though.  There
> are 
> likely also locals who do not think this is a good idea but due to
> the 
> low intensity and low volume of edits they don't see it necessary to 
> say anything.

That's a good point. I'll keep it in mind. 

It's worth noting I always look at a small sample of changes before
hitting the final "upload" button. The bot does not upload fully
autonomously. I'm still uncomfortable with a fully automatic bot. This
human supervision already proved helpful on several occasions. In one
recent case, the bot would have conflicted with Yuri's recent Wiki
edits, and the manual supervision caught this and we then coordinated

If my bot were fully automatic, it would have annoyed Yuri and
interfered with his project without discussion. Worst still, If the two
edits were being made by fully automatic bots, a perpetual bot edit war
would have possibly ensued. (Depending on the way the bots were coded)

As for local particularities, I completely agree. For instance, Israel
has a unique case where the "name" tag is always duplicated at
"name:he" or "name:ar". A theoretical global bot which removes
name/name:lang whenever the values are duplicated would cause local
damage and wouldn't be aware of the local conventions, even though such
a change may be welcome elsewhere.

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