I've only started using Maproulette recently, but I'm really impressed with
what you can do with it. It is the -perfect- user interface for the tasks
we currently generate with the Road Completion Project [1].
We're going to consume the generated metadata about Tasks for further steps
in the analysis, which you can do using the API.  But as a Challenge
manager, I miss doing some stuff in the Maproulette interface itself. For
example, "Skipped" to me means "meh, didn't feel like doing this task". It
seems they are removed from the Challenge as mapable objects. I'd like to
be able to cycle through the skipped tasks and start fixing them myself, or
giving a link to those often-a-bit-harder tasks to some mappers I trust
with this. Or if I see that there's nothing special about the skipped
tasks, I'd like to be able to set them all as regular tasks again.
If anything of this is already possible, sorry! (I did read the manual :)

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