Richard, Simon, all,
I am very happy with the current requirements and I think they don't need
to be updated.
Maybe the Attribution guidance as in Licence_and_Legal_FAQ can indeed be
expanded, with some examples of "Dos" and "Don'ts"
So I very much look forward LWG's next work

Looking at the current practices in apps and web maps, that do not meet the
current requirements, I am not happy with missing or hidden or
hard-to-reach attribution.
So if we have to be explicit about the bare minimum for online maps, I
would require:
- Minimum attribution MUST be full “© OpenStreetMap contributors” whenever
possible, or 15 characters, “© OpenStreetMap”, whatever fits best.
- MUST have a clickable link to or
- MUST be big enough and with enough contrast to be readable and clickable.
- MUST be at least the prominence of other companies.
- MUST be visible for at least 10 seconds.
- MUST be expanded by default (expanded at start and whenever size allows).
- MAY (optionally) be collapsed to a clickable icon or abbreviated “©
OSM” or "Terms", "Credits", "data providers", ... (whenever size is not
sufficient, or, when user clicks to collapse, or, after a delay) BUT other
data providers MUST be equally treated and any other attribution (eg. map
provider, map hosting, software, library...) SHOULD be similarly treated.
- MUST be always possible to click only ONCE and get back the expanded
attribution or a panel or a full page credits with extensive attribution.

Beyond the bare minimum, I would suggest:
- extra visibility, time on screen for OpenStreetMap,
- and extra texts, links, icons for special pages such as | | | | ... and for

As a test bench last month, we (people from OpenStreetMap France) have
tried to go the other route:
"let us display as much information as reasonably possible within
attributions, for data, tiles, hosting and display (in French)".
The result of our experimentation is here: and embedded in the front page
so you can get an idea of what MAY be possible if you want to display
richer attributions, this way or another, on big or small devices.


Extra notes :

+1 to this first response from Paul Norman:

> With maps like this, I would expect a "reasonably calculated"
> attribution to have OSM with at least the prominence of other companies.

To Andy Mabbett:
> 28 characters
>> "We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap contributors”...

Or 15 characters “© OpenStreetMap” because:
> Because OpenStreetMap is its contributors, you may omit the word
"contributors" if space is limited.
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