Mar 1, 2019, 12:31 PM by

> Am 01.03.2019 um 12:01 schrieb Mateusz      Konieczny:
>> Mar 1, 2019, 11:25 AM by >> <>>> :
>>> And specifically on the issue with Mapbox customers, one of          the 
>>> results of the 2014 discussions was this statement by          Mapbox >>> 
>>> <>>>>  which a) 
>>> states that the attribution is be default expanded,          and b) that 
>>> should be the case ">>> whereever possible" >>> which          in our 
>>> understanding>>>  >>> limits the use of a default          collapsed 
>>> attribution to cases where it is physically          impossible to show the 
>>> expanded version, for example very          small map snippets.  In 2014 we 
>>> felt that this was acceptable          (we don't have an formal statement 
>>> on this iirc), and I would          go out on a limb and say that it would 
>>> still be considered a          reasonable guideline.>>>  
>> This is at best outdated.
> We've not received any communication from Mapbox that would indicate    that.
Well, Mapbox in their own map example is on mobile hiding attribution behind
nonobvious button so apparently Mapbox decided to not announce that.
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