On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 at 09:28, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> The general mindset of the Wikidata adherent is

At what point did we appoint you our spokesman?

> that every
> machine-readable link between obejcts or concepts improves the overall
> quality and usefulness of the data set, whether or not a concrete use
> case exists at this point in time or not.

There is always a concrete use case.

> However, the ferocity and scope with which Wikidata links are forced on
> us


> are a concern for me.

> We end up with tons of extra tags that add zero
> extra information and complicate the world for mappers.

There are zero Wikidata tags that add zero information

> And I'm not even talking about our own wiki where they've started to
> wikidatify our tags as well.

That's no more true than saying wiki.openstreetmap.org is "Wikipediafied".

You're confusing the use of Wikibase software with Wikidata.

Andy Mabbett

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