On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 at 14:06, Oleksiy Muzalyev
<oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> I created the Wikidata item (and the Commons category) for
> the medieval quarry Carrière Jaune (eng. Yellow Quarry):
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/158798757
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q62083763

> Via this Wikidata link people can view the ground and aerial photos of
> this absolutely magnificent medieval quarry and even read the basic
> historical information on the photo of the information board.

In time, they will also be able to call up a list of buildings,
bridges, statues and other objects made using stone from the quarry;
and any artworks depicting them or the quarry itself.

Andy Mabbett

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