23 Dec 2019, 17:59 by joost.schou...@gmail.com:

>> As an xmas bonus, here's another Facebook        company (via Mapbox), 
>> Snapchat that is using OSM without        attribution requirements (funnily 
>> there's plenty of space for a        reasonable and visible calculated 
>> mapbox logo and text). They        probably don't know, nor that they have 
>> been asked to comply        over a year ago, nor have agreed with the 
>> license in every        aspect of it when stated using OSM data, nor read 
>> Mapbox TOS, or        Mapbox been informed on these repeated offenders, nor 
>> read the        multiples reports in mailing lists, nor that they had a 
>> employee        that ran for OSMF board.
>> https://map.snapchat.com/
>> Let's continue to be hypocrites and pretend        nothing is going on for 
>> over a year with these two companies        that are corporate members of 
>> OSMF and should be the first ones        to give examples. Enough with 
>> excuses. 
> The Snapchat case is a pretty clear example of how not to do things. If 
> there's space for Mapbox, there's space for OpenStreetMap. But I don't think 
> Snapchat has anything to do with Facebook.
> Phil, I hope you contacted them directly and not through Facebook.
It is quite hard to find place where one
may report this kind of info using email.

I used pr...@snap.com - is anyone aware 
of any better email address for this kind of reports?
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