Also Linux is the future. Every application that cannot run under Linux will fail in the long run. Remember that Windows shouldn't be the main target platform anymore because it is dying and the society is to blame that they don't get it.


Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Funding of three infrastructure projects : Nominatim, osm2pgsql, Potlatch 2
From: James
To: john whelan
CC: OpenStreetMap talk mailing list

Personally I use Linux and I fail to see why funding an application that isn't multiplatform. I choose to use linux as scripting/data manipulation is easier than windows.

I will not install adobe air as it's discontinued on linux since 2011(security bugs anyone?).  Development and bug fixes on AIR have come to a crawl on other platforms, if you can't seen it's impending death with Web2.0 as well as web assembly, clearly you cannot read the market.

On Sun., Aug. 2, 2020, 9:53 a.m. john whelan, <> wrote:
If Air is proprietary and an Adobe product I strongly suggest avoiding it purely from a security point of view.  Adobe does not have a good reputation in the security world.  Comments certainly have been made about Flash.

I don't think we should be encouraging the installation of software that could cause problems for our mappers.

I accept that for many who know potlatch well there is a cost of learning something new and many are experienced editors who we'd like to see continue but there are tradeoffs and I think security of the software we are asking people to install should be taken into account.

Cheerio John

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 08:54 pangoSE <> wrote:
Is this the platform you are targeting?

Its proprietary which makes it prone to the same fate as Flash Player. Why even consider such a move?

I never use nonfree software like flash so I never tried P2. What is so special about it? Is there something hindering adding that specialness (as a plugin perhaps) to JOSM?

The JOSM devs seem very helpful, supporting and have a friendly culture.

I suggest letting this code die as it lures people to install nonfree and therefore dangerous software. Alternatively that you team up with your 20 mio edits-peers and port the code to something that does not require proprietary software.

You did not present a single usecase that is not covered already by one of the other free software editors so I'm guessing you will have a hard time convincing your peers to team up around yet another editor, but I might be wrong.

I don't care about your ROI arguments because they are based on the not outspoken premise that economics of software development is more important when making decisions than freedom, which is false IMO.
If you had compared 2 free software projects like iD and JOSM that run without any proprietary code, then it might have been relevant.

I suggest declining support of any software project that is or requires proprietary software to run.

PS I use 4 different editors to edit in the database: JOSM, OsmAnd, StreetComplete and rarely iD.

Richard Fairhurst <> skrev: (2 augusti 2020 10:28:22 CEST)
Skyler Hawthorne wrote:
> Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I think using any funds at all to 
> continue support for a tool that 1% of editors use would be wasteful. 
> Flash is, for all intents and purposes, a dead technology. This 
> money is better spent on other uses.

The entire point is to move away from a dead technology (Flash Player) to a supported one (AIR).

On the percentage stat, it's worth bearing in mind that the P2 project is by a long chalk the smallest sum (€2500) of the three that OSMF is proposing here. As a point of comparison, iD was initially developed with a $575,000 grant from the Knight Foundation in 2012, so roughly $646,000 now. Very conservatively estimating the cost of employing 1-2 developers to code on iD since then, you get a development cost of roughly €0.004 per (2020) changeset for iD vs $0.0002 for P2, which is kind of fun.

(I'm actually pleasantly surprised that P2 still has so many changesets - 20 million last year, and I'm guessing high teens this year - given how difficult it is to get Flash Player running in most browsers these days. That suggests that P2's users are using it because they want to do so, not because they are magically unaware of the existence of other editors. I suspect if you could find another way of getting 20 million edits for €2500 then we would snap your hand off.)

Looking forward, and continuing the theme of ROI, the other benefit of the project is that it enables development work to continue on P2. The reason I have bid for funding for this, for the first time in 14 years of developing editors for OpenStreetMap, is that it will take a solid chunk of sustained work to do the AIR conversion and a bunch of other stuff I believe will make P2 more sustainable into the future, and there is a hard deadline for that sustained work (i.e. Flash Player switch-off at the end of the year). It's not a project that can just be done in evenings here and there. That enables further, unfunded developments in the future, and in turn I hope the tradition of other editors taking inspiration from P2 can continue - it's not for nothing that JOSM has a Potlatch 2 style and a "Potlatch mode" for editing.

But you are, of course, welcome to develop and put forward a project to OSMF which you believe will have more bang for the buck. "Other uses" is easy to type but doesn't actually mean anything until you identify what those uses are, and crucially, find someone who is prepared to do them.

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