> 6/6/2011  3:36 PM

> Hi Rick,

> On 6/6/2011 Rick wrote:

R>> They redid the entire program. It has bugs in it. Agreed. Isn't
R>> this a list for identifying and testing version 5?

> Sure when it was identified as a beta. The premature release changed
> the rules. My customers trust me to provide them with stable programs
> that do what they need. None of us will use v5 for daily business
> until it is worthy.

I thought Version WAS a beta - did I miss something? By all means, 
keep your customers on v4 until you feel v5 is ready for prime time for them

I just hear a lot of bitching and threatening to go back to v4 which IMO is NOT 
the reason for this list. We have people that don't even USE the bat that 
occasionally come onto the beta list just to bash it.

How about we get back to finding and reporting bugs

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same 

v5.0.12.13 (BETA) on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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