Hello MFPA, 

> I disagree. 

> If I insert a hard line-break by hitting <Return> at the end of a line and 
> press <Tab> at the start of the next line, it means that I want the text on 
> that new line to start indented away from the window edge. 

I'm afraid, you do not understand what plain text is - it's just a raw text 
with no formatting hints other than characters with variable widths and line 
breaks. Tabs have no meaning for plain text with variable width characters 
because there is no way to define tab stops. Paragraph indents and margins 
cannot be defined for plain text either. If you want to use all this typography 
stuff in email, you have to use HTML at least, otherwise nobody can guarantee 
that your peers won't cry their eyes out trying to figure out what you write 
and why did you use such strange spacing between words...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

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