In reply to <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

LG> If  it's  an e-mail function, then go for it. I'd just much rather
LG> have   RITLabs   sink   200  hours  into  IMAP  rather  than  HTML
LG> functionality. IMAP belongs to e-mail, HTML doesn't.

It's part of the new era. RITLabs surely won't straighten up the usage
of  email,  they  must  go  along with the major players and the major
players do have GOOD HTML support.

LG> is  RITLabs going to get it right without dedicating ungodly hours
LG> to  it.  Hours  which  could  be  spent on IMAP, plugin API etc. I
LG> remember  saying ages ago, that I would like to see the plugin API
LG> really  fleshed out, and then people could write an HTML plugin if
LG> they wanted.

If  I  had  the  same  attitude that a few other showed up I would say
something like "I don't use IMAP, I don't care if it has bugs or not I
rather have HTML rendered correctly" but I find both things important.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

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