I have TB installed on drive C: and thought that was an oversight when
I installed XP at the time. All programs are on drive D: over here.
Data (including .tbb files) is on drive E:.

So, I backed up TB with the internal tool to drive I: (backups). Then
I removed TB via Windows' "Add/remove programs".

1.) The directory structure on drive E: remained intact (didn't
acutally look at the files) even though I had ticked that the files
should not be kept.

2.) I ran the MSI install, and it didn't ask me where I wanted to
install the program, it just installed on drive C:. Why am I not given
a choice? I want all my program files on drive D:. That is easily done
with all other apps I have installed.

I was asked where I want to keep my data, though. I keyed in drive E:
and this was followed as expected.

3.) Upon opening TB, I learned that I had an "unregistered copy", even
though I had restored from back-up.

4.) My personal settings, such as open account tress open, width of
columns, size and position of windows, were all forgotten. I didn't
even look any further into details.

6.) Customisations were forgotten. It seems the user.def wasn't backed
up and restored at all.

This is a poor performance for a release version, I think. I had no
choice but to delete the copy newly installed and restored with TB's
internal backup, and instead restored from my manual backup (I always
back up the registry key and zip the relevant directories), and now I
have TB looking and working as expected again. Should have been
possible with the internal tool. However, the main program is still on
drive C. :-(


Er sucht Hausfrau, Sekretaerin, Partnerin, Geliebte, alles 1 x
woechentlich. *

Message reply created with The Bat! 3.80.03
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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