>>> You  must  be  a journalist to take out 1 sentence and forgot to quote
>>> all  related stuff to earn some cheap popularity   Let me quote those
>>> sentences  you forgot to mention that I wrote in the same mail: "I did
>>> not  want to trash USB sticks. They good for something. Also, they are
>>> more convenient to use, and smaller."
>> Not a journalist, just having some fun. :D I have both and seldom use
>> either. Didn't mean to upset you:-{}
> argh. too bad you're not. 'cuz journalists that behave the way Vili
> said, are exactly the ones that can quite cheaply be benefited of. ;)

I dont know, what you meant by this.

But  anyway:  I am sorry Rick for the _tone_ of my prev. mail (I still
stand  for  not  quoting  only  parts of an email). Before reading and
answering your email, I talked to my brother-in-law on the phone. He's
attacked  by  cheap  journalists  who does not have anything to do but
take  out  everything  of  context  what  he  said  and write anything
farthest  from  the  truth  just  to  earn  a  living.  I  was kind of
overpressured     :(((     Sorry     again.    (It    is    Hungarian:
http://nol.hu/cikk/445934/ )


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