Hello Paula Ford,
On Friday, February 04, 2000 at 23:04:10 GMT -0500 (which was 04/02/2000
11:04 GMT +0700 my Local Time) you told to the list:
JDH>>> OK, you are now unto something. :) Both Agent and X-News have a
JDH>>> feature that I think would provide you with your solution. They
JDH>>> both allow you to view, in the body of your messages, aspects of
JDH>>> the Kludges that may interest the user...
AM>> I have been thinking of making a wish request that the header
AM>> information be placed in the message body text area with a line
AM>> separator, for some time for two reasons:-
How about in another pane (just like in reply editor which have 2 pane)
? That's more "consistent" with TB! style, IMHO.
PF> I made this feature request myself shortly after getting TB, because
PF> most mailers I have used or tried (except GW, of course) displayed
PF> or had an option to display to a short header at the top of the
PF> message itself. After all the time I've used TB, I still don't like
PF> the way it displays the header information. To me, it just takes up
PF> alot of screen space and, in general, looks clunky, but, more
PF> important, is Januk's point that there's no functionality to the
PF> thing. RIT added the ability to copy from the header display shortly
PF> after a round of discussion on the TBUDL, but it's still pretty
PF> awkward. I routinely deal with received messages that have long,
PF> complex kludges where I have to capture an address for some purpose
PF> that can't be done through templates. I would find it much faster to
PF> be able to work from a short header.
Yes, "kludge" on TB! needs to better look. I like Eudora light style, we
can see the whole header or some of them (I saw some bugs on Eudora Pro
4.2.x in this matter, all header consist with URL: not seen there).
PF> In any event, I think Januk has made a useful point that some easier
PF> way of capturing addresses from the headers to use in email messages
PF> or add to the address book or simply copy somewhere would be a
PF> worthwhile improvement.
That's also OK for me.
- Syafril -
Name : Syafril Hermansyah | Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama
Mailto : [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice : (62) (21) 385-1600
URL : www.dutaint.co.id | FAX : (62) (21) 351-9241
Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195
Created : Friday, February 04, 2000, 12:16:07
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