Hello Tom,

On  Sunday, February 13, 2000  at  01:30:29 GMT -0800 (which was 1:30 AM where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> [snip unnecessary insult], the way TB! handles
> navigation is entirely daft,

 I disagree. In terms of navigation, TB does exactly what you tell it
 to do. Even if that is not what you meant to tell it, but that is a
 operator error. There is no way for a program to fix all of those,
 and remain useful.

> and we're all hoping that easy cross-folder navigation comes in v2.

 The only way that cross-folder navigation could be any easier is if
 they add the "jump to next unread message in any folder" feature. I
 believe RIT has said they are adding it to version 2.

> I long for a multi-account Agent
> every day (that is art in navigation, I tell you all)...

 What is special about it? I haven't used Agent to any great extent. I
 only used it for *very* limited news reading. Please explain, so we
 can discuss the relative merits of some of Agent's navigational

> Ten times a day I wish I had a "go to previous message" since I spaz
> out and hit the wrong key and all of the sudden the message I wanted
> to read is no longer in the message pane... <sigh>

 I could see that being very useful.  That and an undo command for
 when I accidentally move a message to the wrong folder (including trash).

> Join me in crossing fingers and praying.  ;)  Would the addition of
> single-key navigation make the auto-jump-to-next-unread moot for you?

 I should think so.  Why do you need the duplication?  TB should do
 what one tells it to do. So if I tell TB to open a folder, TB should
 not assume that I want to go to any message other than the one that
 was last open.  However, if I use the "goto next unread message in
 any folder" command, then I am telling TB to find the next unread
 message, open the folder in which it resides, and select said
 message. In other words, TB is doing exactly what I told it to do.

Thanks for writing

 Using The Bat! 1.39
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222  A 

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