Hello Bill,

On  Saturday, September 09, 2000  at  00:26:54 GMT -0400 (which was 9:26 PM
where I live) witnesses say BillG typed:

> 1) Is there no NewMail indicator?  I see the animated icon and the
> Ticker - but they are triggered by Unread mail, not NEW mail.

 Nope.  The closest you can get is to mark "old" unread messages with
 a different colour group, using the flag or park options.  Then mark
 your old unread messages as read.  There are many disadvantages to
 this strategies, but its the closest you can get right now.

> 2) Why can't I rearrange the order of my folders?  They appear in the
> order that they were created, and I can't fugure out how to
> re-order them.

 Hold down the ALT key while dragging with the mouse.  To make a
 folder a child folder of another folder, use ALT-CTRL and drag.

> 3) I can't find a "view source" function.

 I think you have to export the message and view it using your
 favourite text editor.

> 4) the built-in html viewer doesn't seem to work very well?

 TB renders HTML properly, it just will not go onto the net to search
 for graphics, etc.  If the pictures are sent along with the message,
 then TB will display them correctly.  There are several reasons, one
 of them being:
 Some spammers will send an HTML message with a reference to a small
 graphic with a unique name.  When their server registers a hit on
 that file, they know that your address is active.

 I usually leave the HTML auto-view turned off.  When I get a message
 where I want to see the formatted version, I just double click on the
 attachment icon to view it in my default browser.

 I wouldn't want RIT to spend any time working on the HTML rendering
 engine.  However, I wonder how much work it is to make use of the IE
 engine?  I know several programs that do this to incorporate browser

> 5) Is the toolbar configurable?  I can't see how to do it.

 Not yet.  It is supposedly going to be in Version 2.  But don't hold
 your breath waiting for *everything* that is rumoured to be in the
 works for V2.

> The lack of a NewMail indicator, and the HTML viewer problem might
> be show-stoppers (if I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong).


Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
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