On 18-09-2000 at 22:20, Marck D. Pearlstone kindly wrote:
> Karin Spaink wrote:

KS>> 1. Before I made a totally new private address book, I had already
KS>> created two nicknames. I can't seem to find them anywhere, but
KS>> they still work - does anybody have a clue as to where they might
KS>> have gone?

> None  at  all!  Exploring  the  AB  might  reveal them at one level or
> another. Unless by "nicknames" you mean addresses that fill themselves
> in  in  the  "To:"  field  when  you  are  typing...  if so then those
> addresses are pulled from the To field history drop-down list.

At least one of them I clearly remember putting in the AB.
But it is nowhere to be seen.

KS>> 2. Is there any .ini file that can be manually tuned?
KS>> (Sidequestion: why is all the information about accpounts,
KS>> settings, filters, address books etc, all in a format that
KS>> cannot be viewed in file format?

> Sadly  not.  This  was the topic of a recent lively discussion here on
> the  downside  of  keeping  all settings in the registry. We have been
> assured that this is changing soon.

You mean: when Xanadu hits us? ;-)
    I've been told that TBv2 might take quite some time...

[See? Progress! I made my own Tabs! Auto-wrap on,
auto-format off, I give <cr> and then add three spaces. The
standard 8 that TB's editor uses as a tab are bit too much
for my taste anyway. And I've discovered Alt-L too. You
people are indeed helpful.]

KS>> 3. Is there any way to manually edit received messages (.e.g
KS>> the Pencil function in Eudora, editing the inbox. file in
KS>> Netscape), other than to export the message, edit and then
KS>> import it? I tried the Netscape method - reading a mailbox
KS>> into Wordpad, take out whatever, close and reread the
KS>> mailbox. That won't work.

> Export  /edit  /  import is the best way (the "received" headers don't
> get  changed).  Drag  to outbox, open, edit, drag back (before it gets
> accidentally sent) is the other.

Ah! The latter method short & snappy.
   The reson why I sometimes need to edit messages it that I
am on quite a number of mailinglists, some of them in digest
form, and I don't want to store 40k when I only want one
single item of a digest.

KS>> 4. Mailbox management: I miss a drag and drop option that
KS>> will allow you to move the mailbox (properties and all) to a
KS>> different place in the mailbox structure. Now I need to set
KS>> up a new mailbox, move messages and adjust filters &
KS>> templates.

> Use Alt-Drag to move a folder to the same level as the folder you drop
> it  on.  Use  Ctrl-Drag  to move a folder to the within the folder you
> drop it on.

Works only partially. I am trying to move a top-level
mailbox to a place _under_ a folder that contains other

KS>> 5.  Flagging. I can't really figure what the little red
KS>> flags in the overview folder window stands for, or what it
KS>> is supposed to do.

> No  I can't either. You can toggle it on/off on a message, sort by it,
> turn it on in a filter and use it as a search criteria.

I'll wait for further replies ;-)

KS>> 6.  Folder tree: I can't fully gather how the numbers after
KS>> the folder name mean. Example, currently that tree contains,
KS>> amongst others:

KS>> inbox            0 (7)     1 (11)
KS>> [snip]
KS>> My inbox contains 1 read message. Where does the (11) come
KS>> from,

> The  folders  contained  within  the  inbox have 11 messages scattered
> around somewhere in the hierarchy.

Yes, that seems to be what's happening, as Graham explained
in greater detail: since filtered mail passes my inbox, the
numbers of incoming new mails are preserved there. Ok.

> I  think  you  have  your  folder map wrong. From the numbers you have
> quoted I would say it looks more like this:

What I quoted was typed accordingly to what I saw. But
Graham's explanation fits.

- K -


'I make you a present of everything I've said as yet.'
  -- Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

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