
On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, at 10:53:57 [GMT +0800] (which was 8:23 AM where I live) you

TF> If you don't want to use TB's myriad of possibilities but only use a
TF> MUA that allows seperate accounts, doesn't run viruses, and is easy to
TF> use, TB is for you.

100% agree with you

TF> If you advance later on and discover features you
TF> never knew existed, TB is for you.

100% agree with you

I  guess  the  point  Alastair  was  making  is  that the learning curve is made
phenomenal  mainly  due  to  lack of information or information not presented in
proper manner.

I  personally  used TB for over 8 months as described you in the first part. Its
only  when  I  stated  digging  did I realize I have to dig deep and at multiple
place to strike. This is what make getting used to TB difficult.

For  most  people  e-mail is a tool to get their work done and one cannot expect
them  to  search all over the net or subscribe to TBUDL to get majority of info.
It should be available in the help file with examples.

I  guess  its  high  time people at RITlabs realized that its just not important
to have a good product but also package it well.

Warm regards,


Love may be blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.

Replied on 8 Jan 2002 using TB Ver 1.54 Beta/25 on Windows NT

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