On 7 January 2002 at 11:55 pm Juan wrote:

> Hi Alastair,

> Monday, January 07, 2002, 4:38:32 PM, you wrote:

AS>> Main benefits:
AS>> [...]

> You forgot to mention that TB! doesn't come from Micro$oft ;)

Not an issue for me!

I really violently _hate_ this dogma, if X writes a good package and
if X writes a bad package it's bad; who X is doesn't come into it.
(If, in some crazy parallel universe, RITLabs wrote Outlook and
Microsoft wrote TB!, praise would be unto Microsoft; actually, Outlook
is "good but not good enough" ;)

I omitted another reason:

(viii) The ability to change the _account_ of a reply with one menu
option [Options | Active account | ...]. This is phenomenally useful
for someone like me who had to change ISPs 4 times in the past 2 years
and keeps getting messages to the "wrong" account; the reply can be
sent from the "correct" account without cutting and pasting and
confusing oneself.


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