On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 11:42:44 -0800, Roberto Machorro [RM] graced us
with these comments: ...

RM>> I think that the "Inbox - Known" is a good idea

Maybe it is, but to me it just seems like a typical case of software
bloat and redundancy, albeit probably on a small scale here.

Basically, what it seems to do if you enable the filter is to turn
your normal Inbox into a *temporary* or *pending* Trash folder. Fine,
but where is there any time or energy savings in that?  (And before
you are tempted to try and answer that question, read on please.)

1) If you are going to automatically delete everything that ends up
in the normal Inbox (all of your unknown, not-in-your-AB mail), now
calling your normal Inbox a SPAM trap, as some claim is the essence
of this new feature, then why not send all that mail to the trash in
the first place? (filtering so that non-AB mail goes straight to the
dumper, rather than to a temporary dumper)

2) Obviously, the answer to the question at the end of number 1 is:
"Because there might be something in there I want to see."  But, if
you are *not* going to automatically trash this stuff, but instead
are going to give the mail that ends up in the normal Inbox a cursory
glance before nuking it . . . well . . . that's what you would have
done had *all* the mail that you didn't filter to specific folders
ended up in your normal Inbox anyway, right?  So, I don't understand
the savings in time or energy.

3) If you *are* going to automatically delete, as in number 1, you
now have to do it manually rather than automatically, I guess.  :)

The feature *does* sort mail into two major categories: mail that
comes in that is associated with the AB and not sorted to a specific
target folder, and mail that isn't associated or targeted.  Maybe
some of you get enough mail coming in that isn't associated with your
AB *and* which isn't filtered immediately to other folders, to make
this a big deal. Not me, however.  What ends up left in my Inbox
after normal sorting is a very, very small fraction of what comes
down off the server in the first place.  I suspect this is true with
most folks, too. Additionally, I often get mail from people who are
*not* in my AB, but who are responding to me privately off list from
one or another discussion groups that I belong to.  So, if I use the
'Inbox - Known' feature and filter, I can't simply ignore that normal
Inbox "SPAM trap" folder as "stuff I'll look at when I have nothing
else to do", because there might be something in there I'd want to
read immediately.  In short, I can't see I'd ever use the filter, nor
the Inbox - Known.  Seems like more work to me (another Inbox that
*has* to be checked), rather than less.  I'm sure somebody likes it,
though. :)

At the very least, I would not have enabled this feature on the
install for new users, who it will undoubtedly confuse at first.  It
should be something that is normally invisible, but that can be
activated if a user wants to mess with it, IMO.  You complicate the
*basic* interface; you lose potential customers, I suspect.

What button is going up on the title bar next?  :)



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