Hello Nick!

On Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 1:16:52 AM you wrote:

> That pretty much sums up my view on it as well, and you can add the
> SmartBat memo pad 'thingy' and calculator to that list as well. Sorry
> RITLabs but there are much more important enhancements needed.

The Inbox - Known can be of help if one does not have much experience
with filtering. It is therefore a good (and very small) addition to
beginners. (Note: I haven't used it, yet.)

The SmartBat is useful for transferring text of any kind (including
filters) between accounts, messages, even programmes).

The calculator has been put to good use within templates (I've seen at
least one case in point by Peter Palmreuther). The "Evaluate" menu
item is merely a by-product of the new %CALC macro.

Dierk Haasis

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The Bat 1.60 on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

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