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On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 21:27:11 +0900, Yuki Taga [YT] wrote these comments:
ACM>> You can manage multiple clips of text with it. You can format them and
ACM>> manipulate them as you wish. You can't do that with the clipboard.

YT> I'm not surprised there is more to it than that.  The developers
YT> aren't likely to add completely useless features -- *except* for
YT> probably the Inbox - Known and the Menu Navigator.  (ducking and
YT> running again) (^_-) But, it does strike me as an extreme power user
YT> kind of thing.

Like regular expression support in the macros? :-)

YT> I'm sure it's going to be useful for some, maybe even many.


YT> But I think you'll agree that there are a ton of folks who will
YT> never do more than open it once, gape at it a few seconds in
YT> somewhat befuddled silence, then close it again forever. :)

Sure. This is how it goes with most if not all feature rich
applications. It's unusual that any user will find each and every
offered feature useful. I certainly don't use all of TB!'s features.
However, you'll find that all features are being used by the
applications userbase, especially if the applications development is not
occurring in a vacuum which we both know is definitely not the case with
regards to TB!.

YT> I really think the next thing RIT should focus on -- *other* than
YT> FULL DBCS support, of course -- (^_-) is getting the Help files
YT> written, and I mean fully and properly written, so that people other
YT> than old-hand beta testers know how to use this stuff.

Agreed. More of their budget needs to go into that.

YT> You know, when I type 'smart' or 'SmartBat' into TB's Help/Index
YT> tab, I get a big fat nada, as in zip, void, nothing. And when I open
YT> SmartBat, I hardly get anything very intuitive, or suggestive of
YT> what I might actually *do* with the thing. I do get a date, which I
YT> already know, and I do get a time display, which duplicates the one
YT> down in the lower right hand corner of my screen. :))

You can insert the current time through the right click context menu. In
that way, you can associate the date and time with text clips.

YT> The presence of a calendar made me think perhaps some kind of an
YT> alarm program had been incorporated into TB.

No. It's really a way of finding clips pasted in under a particular

<rest snipped> ... I more or less agree with your sentiments on the

- --
           Allie C Martin
  List Moderator and fellow end user
TB! v1.60 & Windows XP 5.1.2600
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32)


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