Hi Allie,

Tuesday, March 26, 2002, 7:49:08 PM, Allie wrote:

YT>> the clipboard. And I already have one with the OS that works
YT>> perfectly.

ACM> I wonder if you're being deliberately difficult with this one? <g>

Not really, but I did admit that I haven't really explored this one
at all. :))

ACM> You can manage multiple clips of text with it. You can format them and
ACM> manipulate them as you wish. You can't do that with the clipboard.

I'm not surprised there is more to it than that.  The developers
aren't likely to add completely useless features -- *except* for
probably the Inbox - Known and the Menu Navigator.  (ducking and
running again) (^_-) But, it does strike me as an extreme power user
kind of thing. I'm sure it's going to be useful for some, maybe even
many. But I think you'll agree that there are a ton of folks who will
never do more than open it once, gape at it a few seconds in somewhat
befuddled silence, then close it again forever.  :)

I really think the next thing RIT should focus on -- *other* than
FULL DBCS support, of course -- (^_-) is getting the Help files
written, and I mean fully and properly written, so that people other
than old-hand beta testers know how to use this stuff.  You know,
when I type 'smart' or 'SmartBat' into TB's Help/Index tab, I get a
big fat nada, as in zip, void, nothing.  And when I open SmartBat, I
hardly get anything very intuitive, or suggestive of what I might
actually *do* with the thing.  I do get a date, which I already know,
and I do get a time display, which duplicates the one down in the
lower right hand corner of my screen.  :))  The presence of a
calendar made me think perhaps some kind of an alarm program had been
incorporated into TB.

As for the menu searcher thingy: a nice graphic layout of the menu
tree on a single page in the Help file, with each menu item
hot-linked to a complete explanation of that item, might obviate the
need for it altogether.  'Menu Navigator' also comes up shooting
blanks in Help.

The time not spent on the Help files is a terrible, terrible shame.
Want to impress people, as in potential new customers?  Get the Help
file done in a professional manner, a manner worthy of the program
itself, and keep it up to date.  No release is ever justified without
a completed and up to date Help file, IMHO.  I think the kind of
people who gravitate toward a program like TB are the kind of people
who like to use resources like Help files to figure a lot of stuff
out by themselves.

I almost never started using TB because of the rather sketchy
condition of the Help file.  The quality of the English alone tipped
me to the fact that the company was probably extremely small, maybe
even to the point of not being well funded enough to continue
development over the long haul. Now maybe that judgment is all wet.
Maybe RIT has hundreds of employees and a fat budget.  But I got
exactly the opposite impression from the Help file.  It was only the
obvious quality of the program itself that ended up hooking me, but I
almost didn't get that far.  And I'm still on my guard about the
longevity issue, particularly as I see things not getting done that I
would rate as essential, at the expense of what I consider a bit of

All of this in the spirit of egging on RIT to make this the best it
can be.  Nothing else; nothing less.




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