On Sunday, September 29, 2002, 2:53 AM, you wrote:

PC>> Since then I have had first-hand experience with SpamCop's
PC>> heavy-handed, across-the-board, "Self-Appointed Gestapo" tactics
PC>> about blocking ALL email from a server used by several ISP's, even
PC>> though the offending email did NOT originate from a subscriber of
PC>> my ISP!

TF> Has the author of this part communicated the problem to Julian Haight?
TF> He is the last one who wants to block legit mail.

well, if it comes to the point of a class action suit, I'm sure spamcop
has been asked about it, don't you think ?

PC>> I was then blocked from sending email to my brother, whose ISP had
PC>> just contracted with a company to set up their "filtering- MX
PC>> server", who (unknown to the ISP) used SpamCop.

TF> This sounds like a US-style "testimonial": purely anecdotal - if true
TF> at all.

well, remember, this WAS an article in a regular weekly email list.

PC>> As I firmly believe that my First Amendment Right to Free Speech
PC>> was violated by this action

TF> Sure. US problem. Spammers argue with the same thing, or say that
TF> their spam is not spam because the US Congress has made a law "501". I
TF> couldn't care less about US laws, sorry. If their domestic law allows
TF> spam to be sent under certain circumstances, they should send it only
TF> domestically, and not to me.

I'm not sure there IS a law501, I think that is one of those... legends?
there is a law barring faxing UCE to businesses, but I don't believe
there is any law ( except Washington state) that bars emails in the US.

PC>> The problem with Spamcop's external blacklist (offered to ISPs and
PC>> others) is that there's no corresponding whitelist of "known good
PC>> mailers." SpamCop does offer a whitelist function to its own internal
PC>> customers, but outsiders have access to only half the solution--- a
PC>> blacklist.

TF> Wait a minute... there is a whitelist, but you have to pay for it?
TF> Which irresponsible ISP will use the blacklist but be too stingy to
TF> pay for the whitelist?

PC>> A blacklist without a whitelist means that

TF> ...that you should change your ISP.

I have a broadband connection, the only fast NON-dialup connection I can
get where I am, I can't change. But I can put up my own POP and SMTP
servers and use my own black & white lists:)

PC>> Unfortunately, the folks at SpamCop aren't listening. They believe they
PC>> are on the side of Righteousness And Good,

TF> I am very sure that it was the Orgnaisation of American Spammers that
TF> started the thread you are referring to. Before you get blacklisted
TF> with SpamCop, they will test your relays, send messages to your
TF> postmaster, and thus contacting you several times before blacklisting
TF> you. If you are blacklisted because you have not taken action upon
TF> their notifications, you can still close your open relay, contact
TF> SpamCop (and the other blacklist services), they will re-test and then
TF> take your IP address off their blacklist (been there, done that).

sounds like a great plan and a good system!!

TF> The thing is that when I report a spam to spamcops, the headers are
TF> reported and sent to the originating ISP as well. Some of these ISP's
TF> are spammers themselves and it is no problem for them to harvest email
TF> addresses from the headers in spam reported back to them. It is like
TF> clicking on the "remove" button.

well, doesn't spamcop send each of us a "special" email to send the
headers to, so they don't include our original email info??

PC>> Interestingly, even some SpamCop users are getting fed up:

PC>>      There is no doubt in my mind that this was a "let's scare you
PC>>      into paying for the service" tactic. But the loyalists claimed
PC>>      that it was just a "programming error."

TF> I agree that I think it was "pushing"; they want people to pay for a
TF> good service. I whined about it on TBOT. They have now corrected what
TF> they claimed was a programming error. So this problem does not exist
TF> any more; they have reacted quickly to a valid complaint. Why is that
TF> bad?

programming error or business decisions can both be changed, at least
they did change/fix this issue.

PC>> EITHER of these explanations is a disgrace to an organization that
PC>> claims to be so righteous and perfect.

TF> I disagree with this statement, though. It was worth a try. Didn't the
TF> same author say something about freedom of communication somewhere
TF> further up? If I don't want to wait 3 hours, I either discontinue
TF> using SpamCop or pay five or ten dollars or what for 2 years. They are
TF> no public service, Julian does this in his own time, why do you think
TF> you have a right to use his service for free?

I don't! I pay for services that work. I pay for ad-aware, so I can be
sure my PC is free of spyware. I pay for web2pop so I can get my "free"
email from yahoo on my PC using TB. I use spamcops free service, they
didn't ask me to pay for anything yet.

TF> Comlain to their ISP's with their half-hearted (and half-brained)
TF> implementation of spam-blocking without subscribing to the whitelist,
TF> combined with having no clue how to close all of their relays. And
TF> being incapable of replying to the SpamCop warnings. And having no
TF> clue how to get off the blacklist, even though the URL is given in
TF> each automated SpamCop report they receive.

it is truly scary some of the things that are out there, but still I
think what is needed is larger fines and jail time for people that abuse
the systems and cause pain and grief by sending out SPAM and UCE. I
don't like getting it and I don't think they should get away with using
an ISPs relays, be they open or not, to send out JUNK. that's like me
borrowing your car to go for a joy ride! you weren't using it and it was
just sitting there, right? no harm no foul. WRONG! They are abusing a
system because they can get away with it without a sever enough penalty
to keep them from doing it again.

TF> IMO SpamCop is not at fault.

I'm not sure who is at fault or if there is a fault.   we need an
international campaign to stop this stuff, and we need penalties to keep
them from doing it again. If everyone was on the same page with their
black & white lists, maybe we could get somewhere, who knows!

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