Hello Paul,

Saturday, September 28, 2002, 12:57:09 PM, you wrote:

PC> On Friday, September 27, 2002, 3:09 PM, you wrote:

PC> Unfortunately, the folks at SpamCop aren't listening. They believe they
PC> are on the side of Righteousness And Good, and thus are above reproach;
PC> they also seem to have total faith in their technology. But consider:

PC>      I have recently been getting spam addressed to a disposable
PC>      address that I have ONLY ever used when submitting spam to
PC>      SpamCop. The address consists of a string of 12 random letters
PC>      at the given domain, so it is not likely from a dictionary
PC>      list. Kinda makes you want to go "Hmmmmmmm". --- Glenn Wolf

You know, I'm not sure how this happens. I created an email
address for my paypal account called [EMAIL PROTECTED]  anyhow,
about 6 months ago, i started receiving porn SPAM addresssed to
that address.... so i wonder, did someone at paypal sell a
mailing list or did paypal? It's been bugging me ever since.


Best regards, Laura mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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