Hello tbudl,

  I have recently downloaded The Bat! and I am trying it out.  I have
  set up most of my various email accounts; about 9 accounts so far,
  with a few more to do.

  What I can't work out, and I have been through the menus and read
  the FAQ, is how to apply mail rules/filters at a generic level.  I
  can only see how to apply them on an account-by-account level.

  This also applies to setting account polling options (i.e. check
  every 5 minutes). If I want to change the time I have to do it
  separately for each account.

  Another things is that I can't work out how to set the default list
  view for all mail folders/accounts.  If I order folder_01 by time, I
  still find that folder_02 is listed by sender.  I'd like to be able
  to organise all my folders the same way, without having to do it on
  a piecemeal, one-by-one basis.

  I apologise if this is a FAQ and I haven't looked in the right
  place.  The only place I've looked is
  http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/faq.html apart from the installed
  Windows help file.

Best regards,
 Rico                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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