Hello Rico, 

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 at 15:14:40 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
RD> What I can't work out, and I have been through the menus and read
RD> the FAQ, is how to apply mail rules/filters at a generic level. I
RD> can only see how to apply them on an account-by-account level.

Yeah, I hear you... One thing that I think would be very awesome is to
be able to create a master account.

Allow the ability to create a master/dummy account that all other
accounts inherit settings from by checking a checkbox that says to
inherit settings or something. It could even be a menued virtual
account so that the master account doesn't even have to show up in the
accounts list. This will tie in the filters, templates, message list
column views etc.

What I'm thinking of is kind of like how the templates are done in the
Account properties, and unless you override them via folder / AB level
templates, they apply to all existing, as well as, new folders and

Leif Gregory 

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