Hello Jonathan,

Wednesday, October 30, 2002, 9:28:37 AM, you wrote:
G>>> Mary,
G>>> And we are all going to try and keep you productive and happy with TB! ;-)
G>>> As for the sig's, watch this space, I have some really good ones.

JA> "If anyone has seen a flying tank please contact us. We would like it
JA> back," Army spokesman David Webb

JA> I found this totally amusing yesterday.  I had images of flying tanks
JA> all day.  Full story can be seen on :

JA> Should probably go to TBOT if more sigs are going to be stuck on ;)

Yes, if you know how to move this thread to TBOT, I think we should.
:) Thanks, though. Virtual images of flying tanks are presently
buzzing about this room, today!
Best regards,
 Mary                            mailto:mrbull@;premiernet.net

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