On Sunday, November 10, 2002, 12:04 AM, you wrote:

SJ> Klez.  The moral here is not to expect software to take care of
SJ> everything.  Stay current with antiviral news and help out a little.

oh, no problem there, I read all sorts of newsletters, langalist,
tourbus, tbot, tbudl... and I have ALWAYS stayed current with virus
updates, always.

SJ> I like the plug-in mainly because my wife is Canadian and they seem to
SJ> be having a bad breakout of Klez up there right now.  90% of the
SJ> viruses I receive here are from a Canadian address.  The Plug-in just
SJ> relieves me of the task of manually deleting them one at a time.  They
SJ> go to quarantine and I highlight them all for a mass delete.  Just a
SJ> time saver.  I do like to keep tabs on how many are still showing up
SJ> so I don't have them automatically deleted.

a side note ( Allie??) I have Mercury setup as my mail POP & SMTP
server. I have TB set to remove files after deleting from trash. I
THOUGHT I had removed 2 virus emails from quarantine, but when I did a
system scan ( online command-on-demand) it found 2 infected files ( and
the eicar:) in my c:\mercury\mail folder, dated 10 days ago. NOW, if I
had removed those emails from quarantine, don't they go to trash? If so,
how did mercury keep them? They were harmless ( I think) anyway, because
I only use TB for mail.
        Like you said, I pretty much know when a virus is sent, but it
scares me when my close friends send me attachments, because most of
them are virus-clueless, and they send those chain letters out
constantly, and hoax virus warnings, without checking SNOPES.com .

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