Hello Robert,

Saturday, January 18, 2003, 6:12:56 AM, you wrote:

> Editing in HTML and sending Emails in HTML is expected in this century.

Knowing the programming language, Delphi, that RitLabs is using, I
know for a fact that for them to incorporate an HTML editor, they
would almost have to do it from scratch, and that's a lot of work to
support most of the features of HTML.  There's one component that I
know of the can be used in the programming language, but the message
has to be exported as HTML before it can be sent.  And, if my memory
serves me well, that means saving the HTML file to disk and then
reloading it to be able to send it.

I would like to have rich text support, because in some cases I would
be able to change the color of a word or put it bold to attract
attention to it.  And, Delphi natively does have a component for rich
text support.

And, I would like to be able to select between the three(text, rich
text and HTML) which one I would like to use to compose e-mail
messages, since in might mean 2 or 3 editors in their code.

> Take a look at HotMetal which embeds explorer code. I think something like
> that can be done and give you the control while using a dll interface from
> the browser vendor to more quickly render the web page clearly and securely.
> Again these features should be configurable

Actually Delphi does have a component that hooks with the core of
Internet Explorer 4 and up.  I do prefer the way that HTML is
displayed now in The Bat!, but it is quite easy to implement Delphi's
web browser component in a way that if you click on a link that an
external browser pops up.  RitLabs is probably using another HTML
viewer component or created their own with the limitation of not
showing what is coming from external sources.  Here too, I would
prefer to be able to choose which viewer I want to use.

Best regards,
 Daniel Rail
 Senior System Engineer
 ACCRA Group Inc. (www.accra.ca)
 ACCRA Med Software Inc. (www.accramed.ca)

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