Hi Alexander,

>> I  use  The  Bat!  since  May  '99  and  for  four  years  we  got MAJOR
>> enhancements  for  free. If some other company has produced the Bat, the
>> very  same  program with the same feature set would be in version 4 or 5
>> and not 2.00.6. Believe me 1.60 was a major upgrade to 1.50 which was a
>> major upgrade to 1.40 and so forth.

A> If that is so then what, in the name of everything that doesn't suck,
A> would've been the problem to say "registered before 1.50 release = high
A> update fee" while "registered before 1.60 release = moderate upgrade fee"
A> and "registered after 1.60 release = lower upgrade fee?

The rationale here I think is that it is a smaller jump from 1.6 to 2.0, and therefor 
you shouldn't pay as much? But this thinking is the reason that Microsoft NEVER 
releases any updates, short of bug fixes. Anything new is squirreled away for a couple 
of years, until a new version comes out. The point is that what you suggest would 
encourage that. Why bother releasing new features as minor updates if you people are 
going to then complain that 2.0 is not much different than 1.6? You are just going to 
shoot yourself in the pocketbook. Better to keep 1.0 out forever, release bug fixes as 
.01 and .02 revisions, and keep all the new features for 2.0. Then you can charge 
everyone 75% of the full price for the upgrade...<insert MS business plan here>.

I believe it is Microsoft's way of doing business that sucks. Ritlabs, while not 
exactly scoring a 10, is doing what they can to make some money, which is difficult.  

I do agree that the 2-month cutoff is a bad idea. 

 Christopher Brown

I'm using The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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