Monday, September 8, 2003, 6:50:12 PM, Alexander wrote:

> Can you for just a *moment* think of how you would feel if you registered
> TB 1.x about 2.01 months ago (like "danger h"), please? Can you answer me,
> then, if it "maybe seems unfair", or if you feel ripped off? Come oooon...

I  was hired in my new job on March 1 2003. According to greek low, If I
was  hired until Feb 28 I was entitled for vacations in 2003. Although I
am  entitled  for  vacations  (just  few  days)  I  was not entitled for
vacation  benefit.  That  is  1000 Euro. Life sucks. Got to live with it

> If a company forgets that updates to their products are actually worth
> money and then suddenly charge each and every user the same... ungh, how
> many times did I repeat this, enough...

If  I  understand  correctly  you prefer to pay, even if it is a reduced
amount  for every upgrade? You would be alone that, because a reason for
Bat  to be popular ,except being so powerful, is that Ritlabs constantly
updates Bat and NOT charge a cent.

|| George M. Menegakis - System Administrator ||
|| Centre of Communications and Networking    ||
|| Iraklion Campus - University Of Crete      ||
|| mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], icq: 4557532     ||
|| phone: +30 81 393 306, fax:+30 81 39 3318  ||

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