Dear Jack,

@8-Mar-2004, 13:22 -0600 (08-Mar 19:22 UK time) Jack Morrison [JM]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

>> Okay - shoot. <duck>

JM> I come in peace. :)


>> The Gmane newsgroup server will carry an archive of all
>> archive-able posts the TBUDL (and others).

JM> I'm a little confused about what archive means here.  Will posts
JM> made to tbudl be mirrored over to this new newsgroup as they
JM> occur?  Or in some kind of weekly/daily digest?

As they occur.

JM> Additionally, what kind of posts aren't archive-able?

Those bearing the header "X-No-Archive: Yes" will not be archived.

JM>>> 2. Can one subscribe to it as one would normally subscribe to
JM>>> any other Usenet newsgroup?

>> Only from the Gmane server.

JM> Once subscribed to the newsgroup via Gmane, if I understand
JM> things correctly so far, I can READ messages there, but I can't
JM> POST any there?


JM> That is, if I actually wanted to make a post to tbudl, I'd still
JM> have to do it via the tbudl mail list?


Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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