Well, this has turned into a major brouhaha that's way bigger
than this not-very-techie can handle.

My son (who lives in California and is seldom in Washington where
he can be in-house tech support for me) spent an hour on the phone with my ISP's tech 
support and
they came up with a workaround. So each time I use TB, I have to
do a command prompt in Windows, then type in:

telnet (my server name) 110
user (my username)
pass (my password)

Then I can send email through TB for a couple of hours. After
that, I have to do the command lines again. My son tried writing
a batch file, but he doesn't know how to make it pause and wait
for an OK signal, then start up again. I haven't written batch
files since 1982 (and only did a couple then).

Does anyone have any advice? If I have to keep doing this, much
as I like TB, I'm going to go to something else. This is just way
too involved to have to do it every time.


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