Hello Alexander!

On Friday, September 03, 2004, 7:02 AM, you wrote:

MB>> Everything went with great ease. My filters are working
MB>> perfectly. My big screen likes the icons. I am still smitten
MB>> with, and no doubt permanently in love with, The Bat!

< ... >

ASK> Do you feel, now that you have v3, when you compare it to the
ASK> last v2 release you were using, that the version numbering of the
ASK> new version is justified?

Yes, but only from a marketing point of view. RITLabs seems to have
embarked on a new marketing push, to get TB! more widely known.

As I wrote to Miguel, I agree with him completely that v. 3.0 is still
in need of work, on the new filter system and with IMAP.

Additionally, a few of us are still experiencing a "jumpy" mail
ticker. This really is unacceptable, given that it is one of TB!'s
main unique features.

And, as I said on another thread, I do wish that 9Val had time to edit
the default.msl in The Bat!/Images.

The reason I don't have trouble with the New Filter System is that my
filters are few and simple. My main filter is in my own head, and it's
the reason that the Message Dispatcher is TB!'s most important feature
for me. I read every message listing, as to sender, subject, and size,
and do my own Selective Download, even when there are 700 mails to
look at.

It's my safety net against viruses--the first one. And I delete the
rare Spam there, on the server, also. I hardly ever get even one Spam
a day. Had one of those with all the random words this morning, but
only one. (Knock on wood. :) )

I know that I use The Bat! in an unusual, even, one might say, an
eccentric manner, and that others have different needs. For instance,
for business users, a dependable filter system is indispensable.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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