Hello A.Translator!

On Thursday, September 02, 2004, 2:19 PM, you wrote:

MB>> I've been using v. 3.0 for almost 3 hours now, and so far, I'm
MB>> extremely pleased.

AT> Could you tell me why? I am not trying to be ironic, just would
AT> like to know why I should upgrade.

Sorry to be late answering. My Internet Service Provider's connection
went down right after I posted and I'm just now back on line.

Things that pleased me:

1) Purchase through Element 5 was handled professionally and swiftly.
2) Download was quick and seamless.
3) Installation using MSI Wizard went quickly with no problems.
4) On launch of my new The Bat!, 20 e-mails downloaded without a
5) The Connection Centre did not hang on the download or on the
   e-mails I sent a little bit later and still has not behaved
   anything other than flawlessly.
6) The icons are perfectly sized to my screen. I had read a lot of
   complaints on tbbeta about them
7) All my filters went over exactly as configured to the new filter
8) My Registration Key Block was in the first 20 mails that I
   downloaded. The Key was sent by the time I had the new version
   downloaded and installed.
9) Although the jumpy mail ticker problem isn't fixed and I still have
   one mailing-list folder that won't hold its configuration when I
   move to another folder and come back to it, the fact that there is
   evidence of so much good work having been done on the Sorting
   Office and the new filter system, and on getting IMAP useable,
   gives me hope that the two small things that are an annoyance to me
   can be fixed in a later release.

Of course, as is so often said here, your mileage may vary. I'm pretty
conservative about making changes--I waited months before going from
v. 1.62 to v. 2.06, but I've had a good experience with those and all
my subsequent upgrades. So, I'm pleased. I'm feeling lucky and
well-cared-for. Thanks for asking. :)

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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