On 23/12/2005 at 6:53:01 AM [GMT -0500], Luca wrote:

> I can't understand how the Windows-like editor works, as far as line
> wrapping is concerned.

TB!'s original editor was microEd. It does no virtual wrapping of text.
As MicroEd wraps text, it's hard wrapped. You'll see what I mean if
after typing a few lines of text with MicroEd, you copy paste it to
notepad and then toggle NotePads line wrapping on and off.

Because of MicroEd's ability, TB! never did have a wrap on send feature.
The Windows editor, like most other editors for Windows, virtual wraps
as you edit, using the specified character limit in the options. If you
copy a few lines of text you've typed in the Windows editor and paste it
in NotePad, you'll note that the text isn't *really* wrapped. So, on
sending, the text is sent formatted as is, i.e., with no wrapping.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.64.01 Christmas Edition / http://specs.aimlink.name
PGPKey: http://rsakey.aimlink.name
...Honey, PLEASE don't pick up the [EMAIL PROTECTED]&$^(#@&$^%(*NO CARRIER

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