
> The Windows editor, like most other editors for Windows, virtual wraps
> as you edit, using the specified character limit in the options. If you
> copy a few lines of text you've typed in the Windows editor and paste it
> in NotePad, you'll note that the text isn't *really* wrapped. So, on
> sending, the text is sent formatted as is, i.e., with no wrapping.

That means that TB's Windows-like editor is useless, plain and simple. If
there is no way to send messages with correct line wrapping, one can't use it,
and I can't see any point in putting it in.

I myself got used to MicroEd, with time, but a friend of mine, coming from
Outlook, of course he can't bear alt+l, nor the auto-format feature the way it
works in MicroEd. He *needs* a Windows-like text editor, and I myself would
like a lot to get rid of alt+l.

If a way to put hard returns in the right place before sending can't be found,
with the Windows-like editor, then I'd say that TB has three editors but none
of them is completely usable.

Luca - e-mail: p.stevens at

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