Hello Stephane Bouvard [ML] & everyone else,

on 25-Mrz-2006 at 10:50 you (Stephane Bouvard [ML]) wrote:

> That's only a matter of taste, for me, your text is wrapped too small,
> your message only use 1/4 of the width of my screen, leaving 75% of
> unused white space (in fact gray, i do not like white background to
> read emails, especialy when 75% of the width is unused and filled by
> the background :))...

Well, it is commonly acknowledged that articles are easier to read and
comprehend if the text is not too wide. Thats why text in technical and
scientific magazines is divided into multiple columns per page.

> It's something i never understood : why the width of the display
> should be defined by the writer of a mail and not by the recipient ?

I couldn't agree with you more, but as long as there's no complete
conception and intergration of...

 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; delsp=yes

...throughout the world, we're not going to see that any time soon.

Besides that, how would one keep apart when and if a hard wrap is
intended, and when it was only auto-inserted by the client? In plain
text, a CR/LF combination is a CR/LF combination is a CR/LF combination.
This would require the wordprocessor style of paragraph formatting, but
you can't preserve compatibility with older/other clients that way.

In plain text, paragraphs are divided by two CR/LFs. A single CR/LF is
just a linebreak. In a word processor, there are no linebreaks.
Paragraphs are divided by a single CR/LF. Now, it shouldn't be hard to
implement a tiny little conversion routing to remove single CR/LFs so
that text can be reflowed, and convert double CR/LFs so that they become
paragraph dividers, but still...

I could intently add a linebreak
here because I want to format some text, a list, whatever, and I
certainly wouldn't expect the CR/LF
to be removed by a reading program...
...because the whole idea of this formatting may get lost.

And there will always be people why format message just how they want
to. They're free to do so, and thats a good thing.

> When a mail is not hardwrapped, as the reader, if i want to read the mail with
> 76 columns, i just ask it to my mail reader program, but if i want to use a
> bigger or a smaller width i still can...  when the mail is hard wrapped i
> cannot, the writer choosed for me the width i *must* use.

You can use Microsoft Outlook and configure it to remove extra
linebreaks and spaces from plaintext messages. Et voila, the message is
just as wide as you wish. ;-)

> Much more : try to read a hardwrapped mail (76 columns) on a 70 columns 
> screen,
> it's a real pain (yes : i read sometimes my emails on a pda, with less than 76
> columns width).

And the PDA mailreader does not have the simple mechanism to remove single CR/LF
combinations and re-flow the message text for you? Poorly programmed,
I'd say. :-P

> I respect the rules of the list, thus i've also hardwrapped this mail, but can
> someone tell me if it's possible with TheBat to use a different wrapping
> settings depending of the folder or the recipient ?  I would like when i 
> compose
> a mail for some lists to use a fixed wrapping at 76 with microed, and for 
> other
> lists allowing softwrap the windows editor without hardwrap ?

You could change the editor from MicroEd to WinEd within templates for a
specific group/recipient/etc.

%SETEDITOR="1" for MicroEd editor
%SETEDITOR="2" for Windows editor
%SETEDITOR="3" for HTML and Plaintext
%SETEDITOR="4" for HTML only

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

I don't believe in God, because I don't believe in Mother Goose. --
Clarence Darrow

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