Hello Mary, Mica, Alex and anyone else following this thread.

>>> You could try to make a full backup from within TB, uninstall the
>>> program completely, and then reinstall from the new MSI (and then
>>> restore the backup) to cure the problem once and for all.

>> Unless the problem is with my windows installation. The principle
>> question is, do I or don't I need to upgrade from v 3.51.10?

> You do not need to upgrade.

That settles it. Thanks, Mary.

> The additional features past v. 3.51.10 are chiefly the new (and
> rather daunting) customizer, for customizing toolbars and keyboard
> shortcuts.

> Plus a much easier sorting office/filters interface.

> That's it, in the main.

> I wish that I were running v. 3.51.10 myself right now, as a matter of
> fact.

> But MSI won't allow me to drop back. I'd have to do a full uninstall
> plus reinstall to do that. And it's too much hassle.

Right. There's too many other things that need to be done.

> What I'm missing, since I began running the beta series v. 3.86.03 and
> following, is the icon panel in the View window. Attachments are
> available only in the status bar at the bottom of the screen, now.

> IIRC, happened to me with v. 3.86.08. Dropping back to v. 3.86.02 did
> not fix it, however.

Betas can do that, but somebody needs to test them.

> And when I tried a v. 3.85 MSI install, Windows told me it could not
> do that.

B Gates could be the devil.

> My current work-around is to store the attachments separately.

I always do that.

> That way I can move images out to a non-TB! folder and view them
> at a decent size rather than as the unsatisfactory small images
> TB! now embeds in the message body when I click on the status bar
> tab.

> Grr.

Account Properties / Files and Directories / Attachments / Keep
Attached Files / Separately in a Special Directory

>>> Manually extracting the files from the MSI archive will most likely
>>> not fix it. You'll still have a corrupt entry in the MS installer
>>> database that needs fixing.

Mr. Mica said that all I had to do is substitute the old thebat.exe
file with the new one. I recall that this used to work for most
previous TB! uogrades, and there was also an ftp access with zip
files on the ritlab site.

>> Everything MS makes corrupts too easily. I can't run MSIE (or
>> Netcaptor, for that matter) either; but who cares? I use Firefox
>> and Opera w/ not problems.

> I like Opera and Firefox. Opera is my default browser.

They are both have tabs and are very good (and so is NetCaptor,
which is an M$IE shell), but Firefox is open source with lots of
third party extensions. I'm using Opera9 at the moment (I use
Opera 3.x too once in a while), and I'll keep using it as long as
it performs w/o problems. (I tend to keep a lot of tabs open).

>>> Another thing worth trying first would be the MSI cleanup utility
>>> from Microsoft. It can check the database of MSI installations and
>>> remove entries without actually uninstalling the program.

>>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301

>> I'll give it a try. But I was at the M$ website a while ago and
>> in order to download a service pack I have to use their own pet
>> browser. Is anyone using TB! with Linux?

> Let me know if it's any good, please. I might be interested in it.

> In re Linux: Tony Boom ran TB! on Linux for awhile before he got his
> Mac. You might inquire about that on TBOT, since AFAIK Tony's not
> subscribed to the TB! lists any more.

Mr. Mica said TB! runs pretty slow on Linux. There were a lot of
people on tbot using Xandros but they must have unsubscribed.
Rather than all the bells and whistles, Ritlabs ought to make Mac and
Linux versions available, and let users set TB! to load with certain
select view folders open. I need at least 6, aside from the main


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